美しい木々に囲まれ、ダイナミックな渓谷美が堪能できる「みたらい渓谷」。 大きな岩と滝の流れ、そして何よりも底まで透けるエメラルドグリーンの水の流れが絶景です。紅葉シーズンには更に色彩豊かになります。 新緑から紅葉シーズンまで、四季折々の表情を楽しむことができます。
吉野山は日本一の桜の名所とも言われており、4月の上旬から中旬にかけて3万本ともいわれるシロヤマザクラが豪華絢爛に咲きみだれます。 また、吉野山は古代より山岳信仰の対象で、世界遺産「紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道」の構成資産「吉野・大峯」の一部となっています。
五條新町が生まれたのは、今から約400年前、関ヶ原の戦いの後、江戸幕府が成立してすぐの頃にさかのぼります。 江戸時代から現在にかけて、それぞれの時代の建造物が残る新町通は建築年代の判るものでは日本最古の民家があるなど、国から重要伝統的建造物群保存地区として指定されております。
曽爾高原はススキで一面に覆われた草原で、3月中頃に毎年山焼きが行われ、春から夏にかけては一面に青い絨毯が敷かれたような爽快な姿をみせます。 秋にはススキの穂が陽射しを浴びて銀色・金色に輝き、毎年たくさんの観光客が訪れます。 日本で最もきれいな夕日の名所として知られています。
明日香村の稲渕地区は、「日本の棚田100選」や「にほんの里100選」に選ばれている人気のスポット。 9月中旬頃になると、畦や土手にヒガン花が燃えるように咲きます。 別名「曼珠沙華」ともよばれ、妖しいほどの赤色で神秘的な花の形が見る者の心を奪います。 稲穂の緑とヒガン花の鮮やかな対比、そして見事な棚田の曲線を誇る懐かしい風景です。
室生赤目青山国定公園に指定される三峰山では、1月~2月にかけての厳冬期に、関西では珍しい霧氷を見ることが出来ます。 標高1,235mの山頂や広々とした八丁平からの景色は圧巻。 往復約10㎞、約4時間。アイゼン等冬山登山装備は必須です。
ゴロタ石(礫石)と言われる楕円形の石が集積し、波の満ち引きに合わせて石がぶつかり合い「カラコロ」心地よい音がする全国でも珍しい自然海岸。 夕陽も美しく、四季折々の表情を見せてくれる。
金剛生駒紀泉国定公園内にある、かやぶき風木造の宿泊施設です。 いろり、へっつい、五右衛門風呂と薪による里山生活体験、農作業体験ができます。キャンプ施設もあります。
広さ20ha・甲子園球場5個分の広大な敷地のサバーファームは、1年中大地の恵みを実体験できる農業公園です。四季折々に咲き乱れる可憐な花々と、丁寧に育てた旬の果物、野菜たちが皆さまをお待ちしています。 朝摘フルーツのフレッシュジュースや旬野菜を使ったお料理、クラフト工作などの体験教室や、収穫祭などのイベント等をご家族皆様でお楽しみいただけます。
毎年春には、約3,000本の桜が咲き誇り、夏は清流での水遊びやホタル鑑賞、秋は色鮮やかな紅葉狩りと四季折々の楽しみ方があり、ハイキングコースも整備されています。 湯の香薫る地としても知られる摂津峡周辺には、温泉宿や日帰り温泉施設もあり、天然温泉の良湯を堪能することができます。
Wild hardy kiwi vines (approximately 5 tons) are used to make this vine bridge, which is 45m long, 2m wide, and 14m above the water. In olden times, it was used as an important part of the local road in this deep valley. Nationally Designated Important Folk Cultural Asset.
The difference in sea level in the Naruto Strait when the tide ebbs and flows creates intense currents, including whirlpools that can reach up to 20 meters in diameter. One of the three big tidal currents in the world, the deafening roar of the whirlpools and the swirling spectacle is magnificent to see. The whirlpools appear for about one and a half hours before and after low and high tide every day.
Cedar logs cut from the forest are floated downstream in this contest that allows participants to experience a traditional skill. The Nakagawa River, so clear that sweetfish can be seen swimming on the river bottom from the bridge, is where log riders called "Tobi" ride down the river balanced on just one log. It is fun just watching the local experts perform difficult maneuvers. Practice events are held in June and July.
In a cove of the largest uninhabited island in Tokushima, Mugi Oshima, there is a porites lutea coral that has been living for over a thousand years, estimated to be one of the largest in the world. It is 10m tall, 30m wide, and its presence is like a forest inside the ocean. Mugi Oshima island itself, surrounded by brightly colored fish and coral, is known as the Galapagos of Shikoku. See Club Noah Mugi for diving excursions.
This traditional ceremony based on a tale of tragic love features a strange rock enshrined deep in Mugi Oshima, called "Himegami". Participants pray for a good catch and safety on the sea, and after prayers are offered to the 3m long, 1.5m diameter male symbol, it is put on a fishing boat and paraded to Oshima Island 7.5km off the coast. At night, the town is lively with a fireworks display.
The lights of little fairies flutter above the clear firefly river. The lights reflect in the dark river's surface, creating a magical scene. During the Firefly Festival, ride a riverboat on the Haha River to see the fireflies up close.
Dogama is a famous place in the naturally beautiful Ichiu Gorge, location of the clear-flowing Sadamitsu River. The three giant potholes were created by erosion in the hard green schist. The potholes are called Ichinokama, Ninokama, and Sannokama, and they create a tunnel, which creates a rare sight not seen elsewhere. Prefecturally Designated Natural Monument.
Approximately 800 years ago, the Heike clan used Mt. Tsurugi as a place to train their horses, and these vine bridges were used to travel there. Now it is a passage to the Oku-Iya Kazura Vine Bridge Campground. There are two bridges side-by-side, so they are nicknamed the "Man's Bridge and Women's Bridge", or the "Husband and Wife Bridge". Beside the Women's Bridge is a man-powered ropeway that crosses the river, called a "yaen".
Crystalline schist was worn away by the Yoshinogawa River rapids over 200 million years to create the gorge, which looks as though it was carved out of marble. Every winter, the snow-covered gorge looks even more magical than usual. Enjoy stove-equipped boats on a winter cruise.
In the deep, V-shaped gorge, the emerald green Iya River flows, and looking down from above is sure to make your head spin. In the autumn, the mountain is full of fall leaves from the bottom of the valley to the peaks, and visitors peek out at the sight from cars and buses. On a cliff overlooking the Iya River, a rock left from building the road sticks out, and on top of the rock, a statue of a peeing boy stands, as a physical representation of anecdotes about local children and travelers testing their courage.
Mt. Tsurugi is listed among Japan's 100 most famous mountains. Though it has a height of 1955m, there is a chairlift from the beginning of the hiking trail to the center of the hiking trail, and it is a comparatively easy mountain to climb, making it popular. On a clear day, the view from the top of the mountain can reach to Kansai, Kishu, and the Seto Inland Sea.
In tall mountains, the cloud sea phenomenon happens, but in the case of Yamashiro, the terrain and climate means that places where there is a river, the Hachigo-giri effect occurs. Of course, with any riverbank, in a steep mountainous area, cultivated fields reach up to the sky, but when the seasons are changing from spring to summer and again from summer to fall and winter, in periods when the temperature changes are extreme, the hachigo-giri fog rises up off the river. In the chilly morning air, climb up to the topmost parts of the mountains and experience unspeakable beauty and stillness.
The Tottori Sand Dunes are 16km from east to west, and 2.4km from north to south, in a long strip along the coast. The dunes are always changing due to the force of the wind.
Natural waves and wind carved out these picturesque cliffs that can be viewed from sea or land. The sea here is so clear that the sea floor can be seen, and it makes a wonderful sight along with the blue sky, oddly-shaped rocks, and trees that should be seen up-close.
Mt. Utsubuki, the symbol of Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, features Utsubuki Park its foot, with beautiful blossoming cherry trees in early April. The reflection at night of the cherry blossoms in Hagoromo Pond is wonderful. After cherry blossoms come the azaleas, which are also very beautiful. This gathering point for the city's citizens has been chosen as one of Japan's 100 famous spots for cherry blossoms, one of Japan's 100 best city parks, and one of the 100 best spots for forest therapy. Hasedera Temple, which was built during the Muromachi era, and the Edo era merchant's houses that line the Tama River, and the white-walled and black burned cedar warehouses make it a great spot for a stroll.
The highest peak in the Chugoku region, National Park Mt. Daisen is a famous picturesque spot. The towering cliffs and the giant beech forests stretching below are a breathtaking sight. In particular, when the new leaves come out in May, and when the colorful autumn leaves turn in late October and early November, it is particularly beautiful. The spot is loved by travel journalist Kaoru Kanetaka and world-class nature photographer Yoshikazu Shirakawa.
Every year, the Oto Festival is held at Kamikura Shrine on February 6. It's amazing to see the participants holding burning torches in their hands as they run down the 538 steep stone steps of the road approaching the shrine.
The World Heritage Site, "Kumano Kodo". In ancient times, people came here to renew their spirit on this healing trail. The Kumano Kodo was also a location for imperial outings of retired emperors, and along the trail are "oji" shrines collectively called the 99 Ojis that are dedicated to the Kumano Mikogami gods. The retired emperors used to visit these ojis while traveling the long road.
Engetsu Island is a small island with a full-moon shaped hole in the middle. The best time to view it is when the sun is setting. In summer, it's 6:30pm, and it's 4:30pm in winter, when many sightseeing visitors and locals alike gather to see the beautiful sight. In spring and autumn, there is a beautiful moment when the setting sun shines through the hole in Engetsu Island, which is particularly beautiful.
The World Heritage Site, "Kumano Kodo". In ancient times, people came here to renew their spirit on this healing trail. Partway through the trail, there are spots where the peaks of the Kii Peninsula mountains can be seen. Hyakumengura is the most popular spot to view this sight.
Surrounded by eight peaks, it is as if Mt. Koya is surrounded by the petals of a lotus. Kobo Daishi (Kukai) opened the mountain as the basic training place for Shingon Buddhist secret teaching. Even today, many monks continue the teachings of Kukai, and continue to do ascetic training here. There are 52 pilgrims lodgings on the mountain, and visitors can experience the history and culture of Mt. Koya through vegetarian Buddhist cuisine or by attending a Buddhist religious service.