Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara

Heijyo-kyo in Nara was the capital city maintaining an active interchange with China and the Korean peninsula, built in 710 and modeled after the Changan City in China in the Tang period.
A large number of highly cultural, artistic architecture and artifacts are still in existence providing a good description of the conditions at that time the basic country was established.
At this time, wooden architecture of that period is hardly exists on the Chinese continent that greatly influenced Japan.
From the standpoint of the world history, the inheritance value of Nara has been recognized as highly significant, against a background of wood culture that is a unique feature of Japan.
A large number of highly cultural, artistic architecture and artifacts are still in existence providing a good description of the conditions at that time the basic country was established.
At this time, wooden architecture of that period is hardly exists on the Chinese continent that greatly influenced Japan.
From the standpoint of the world history, the inheritance value of Nara has been recognized as highly significant, against a background of wood culture that is a unique feature of Japan.
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